Generate an index related to all entities rendered with `ShowDoc`


build_index(path=None, update_existing=False)

Build an index of names generated with ShowDoc to document paths.

build_index will build an index to names generated with ShowDoc to document paths that we can later use to construct links for documentation.

Consider the follwing two markdown files, and

_p1 = Path('test_files/_md_files/')
<DocSection type="function" name="function_with_types_in_docstring" module="test_lib.example" show_import="False" heading_level="3">
<SigArg name="param1" /><SigArg name="param2" />
<Description summary="Example function with types documented in the docstring." extended_summary="`PEP 484`_ type annotations are supported. If attribute, parameter, and\nreturn types are annotated according to `PEP 484`_, they do not need to be\nincluded in the docstring:" />
<ParamSection name="Parameters">
	<Parameter name="param1" type="int" desc="The first parameter. something something\nsecond line. foo" />
	<Parameter name="param2" type="str" desc="The second parameter." />
<ParamSection name="Returns">
	<Parameter type="bool" desc="True if successful, False otherwise." />
_p2 = Path('test_files/_md_files/')
key2: value2
slug: custom/pathfor/site
key: value
<DocSection type="function" name="function_with_pep484_type_annotations" module="test_lib.example" show_import="False" heading_level="3">
<SigArg name="param1" type="int" /><SigArg name="param2" type="str" />
<Description summary="Example function with PEP 484 type annotations." extended_summary="The return type must be duplicated in the docstring to comply\nwith the NumPy docstring style." />
<ParamSection name="Parameters">
	<Parameter name="param1" desc="The first parameter." />
	<Parameter name="param2" desc="The second parameter." />
<ParamSection name="Returns">
	<Parameter type="bool" desc="True if successful, False otherwise." />

Notice that for, the front matter has a slug, which is used for the path rather than the directory in which the document resides.

Here is how the index looks:

{'function_with_pep484_type_annotations': '',
 '@batch': '',
 '@card': '',
 '@catch': '',
 '@conda': '',
 '@kubernetes': '',
 '@parallel': '',
 '@project': '',
 '@resources': '',
 '@step': '',
 'function_with_types_in_docstring': ''}



class NbdevLookup[source]

NbdevLookup(local=True, md_path=None, update_existing=False)

Mapping from symbol names to URLs with docs

NbdevLookup can help you linkify markdown.

Here is an example of a file before linkifying it:

Hey I am going to see what happens when we have things like `@conda` and `@batch`, but you will not convert conda to a link because it isn't in back ticks.

If something isn't in the index like `@lorem`, nothing will happen.

In code fences you will not convert links `@conda`

# Some other md

this is another test: `function_with_types_in_docstring`

And after linkifying it:

nl = NbdevLookup(md_path='test_files/_md_files/')
Updating: test_files/_md_files/
Updating: test_files/_md_files/
Updating: test_files/_md_files/
Updating: test_files/_md_files/
Updating: test_files/_md_files/
Updating: test_files/_md_files/
Updating: test_files/_md_files/
Updating: test_files/_md_files/
Hey I am going to see what happens when we have things like [@conda]( and [@batch](, but you will not convert conda to a link because it isn't in back ticks.

If something isn't in the index like `@lorem`, nothing will happen.

In code fences you will not convert links `@conda`

# Some other md

this is another test: [function_with_types_in_docstring](


nbdoc_linkify(local:"Whether or not to build an index based on local documents", keep_existing:"Whether or not to keep existing index", md_path:"Root path to search recursively containing markdown files to linkify"=None)

Convert names in backticks in markdown files that have been documented with nbdoc.showdoc.ShowDoc to appropriate links.